Proposed $8.9 Billion Settlement Reached with Johnson & Johnson
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Frequently Asked Questions
Below, you will find answers to some frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us if you don't get your questions answered below.
How do I know if I qualify to participate?
If you or a loved one regularly used body powder containing Johnson & Johnson’s® Baby Powder or Shower to Shower® and have been diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer like ovarian cancer, fallopian tube, endometrial, peritoneal, uterine, cervical, vaginal cancer or mesothelioma in or after 2000, then you might qualify to participate in this litigation. Contact us to see if you qualify to participate.
Who are you suing?
We are suing the giant pharmaceutical and consumer product company Johnson & Johnson® for its role in producing, marketing, and distributing body powder products that contained cancer causing ingredients.
What happens after I sign up?
Once you qualify to participate and sign the required documents, we will create a case file on your behalf. Thereafter, we will begin to work with you to collect the required documentation from you that we will need to advocate on your behalf. To help you provide us documents, we will give you access to our secure client portal.  To keep you updated on the case, we will hold telephone town hall meetings and also send monthly newsletters which are designed to provide frequent and thorough updates on your case.
What type of injuries can I recover for?
We are suing to recover damages associated with gynecologic cancer like ovarian cancer, fallopian tube, endometrial, peritoneal, uterine, cervical, vaginal cancer or mesothelioma.
How can I best get in touch with you?
Please contact us through our website or email us at
How long will this process take?
Right now, it is tough to predict, but the process could take anywhere from two to several years.
What if I can't get my own medical records?
That is OK. We will work on your behalf to get them for you. And while we will work hard to acquire your records, we also could very much use your assistance to do this, though. Knowing the name of the doctor and the address of each facility at which you were diagnosed or treated helps us get the records on your behalf. If you have not signed the Hi-Tech doc, which gives us the legal ability to request medical records on your behalf, please make sure to do that. It should be in your email. If not, please call or email us and we will get that to you.
If I no longer have cancer, do I still qualify?
Yes. To qualify to participate in this case, you have to have been diagnosed with the disease or qualifying injury at some time in the past, or currently be suffering from a qualifying injury. But you do not have to have the disease or qualifying injury at the present time.
If you are successful, how much do you think my case is worth?
Each claim will be evaluated individually, so there are many variables for compensation.  It is, therefore, hard for us to estimate how much any one individual’s case might be worth without having more information about your circumstances.
How do you, the lawyers, get paid?
We operate on what is called a Contingency Fee arrangement. You will only pay us, your lawyers, if you recover for your injuries. If your case does not receive a settlement or jury award, then you will owe us nothing. This arrangement will be covered in a written agreement between you and us called a CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT AND CONSENT TO FEE SHARING
Disclaimer: This page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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